Cañigueral Group, Award for Professional Career


Elisabet Cañigueral, CEO of Grup Cañigueral, today received the eWoman Award for Professional Career from Jaume Masana, territorial director of Caixabank in Catalonia, during the eWoman Conference organized by the Diari de Girona with Caixabank and the University of Girona, and collected it "on behalf of the magificent team of people that is Cañigueral Group ".

In her appreciation of the award, the CEO congratulated the promoters of an event “as instructive and inspiring” as this, which aims to publicize the success stories of women leaders in their profesional, digital or technological environment.

Elisabet Cañigueral explained how this recognition reminds her of her professional career, which began at the age of 16, helping in the Company. And how during these 30 years of trajectory she has continued receiving training while working. "I want to share this recognition with the colleagues who have been with me on this journey, with my family and with all those friends who know me well and know that I’m passionate about my work," she concluded.

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