Awarded with the “Sepor de Oro” Award for Export and Internationalisation


Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods has been awarded the Sepor Gold Award for Export and Internationalisation in the 7th edition of these renowned national awards. As a company we are very proud of this recognition that encourages us to continue working on continuous improvement.

This event once again brought together the most relevant personalities in the sector and deservedly distinguished all those who strive with their work on a daily basis, paying tribute to dedication and excellence.

Together with other companies and organisations, we were awarded alongside the "Asociación Nacional de Industrias de la Carne de España" (ANICE), "Jamón Joselito", the brand "Alimentos de España", "AINIA", "Agrifood"... Congratulations to all of them.

Proud of this recognition that encourages us to continue working to improve day by day

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